Wentworth Mildura Accommodation
The following are some contact points for finding accommodation in Wentworth and Mildura for those times when the Rowathon is relocated.
Wentworth Visitor Information Centre
T: 03 5027 5080
E: tourism@wentworth.nsw.gov.au
Mildura Visitor Information Centre
T: 03 5018 8380
Curlwaa Caravan Park
Quote 'Rowathon' when making your booking for 10% to be donated to RFDS and Ric and Margot will match it dollar for dollar.
3 Williamsville Rd
Curlwaa NSW
T: (03) 5027 6210
E: info@curlwaacaravanpark.com.au
W: https://www.curlwaacaravanpark.com.au/
Darling Junction Motor Inn
26 William Street
Wentworth, NSW
T: 03 5027 3636
Two Rivers Motel
198 Adams Street
Silver City Hwy
Wentworth NSW 2648
Lorraine & Colin Hollett
P: 03 5027 3268
F: 03 5027 2007
E: tworivers-motel@bigpond.com